Best Directors

Rahul Rai Gupta

Private Detective & Indian Filmmaker

Certified International Investigator
at Secret Watch Detectives Pvt. Ltd.

Writer, Director & Producer
at Golden Gate Production Pvt. Ltd.


Personal Details

  • Birthday: November 2
  • Marital: Single
  • Nationality: Indian

About him

Rahul Rai Gupta is the Managing Director of Golden Gate Productions Pvt Ltd. He is a man of struggle, charm, passion, success and countless dreams. From the very beginning, he had only one dream in his eyes i.e. to be a successful part of the Film Industry, film production house in Delhi. Born in a small city of Punjab, he stepped into the Capital of India in 1995 to follow his dreams, film production house in India. He started his career with one of the most important aspects of the Best Film Industry i.e. writing also . Early in his career, he realized that he would not be able to survive with only a dream in his eyes, he had to work. So he followed the path towards his second interest i.e. Private Investigation. Since then, he has spent around 25 years in Private Investigation and now people know him with the name of Detective Guru around the World and he owns a very successfully developed Investigation Company called as Secret Watch Detectives Pvt Ltd. His expertise in investigation has often been hailed by major players in the industry and he has been felicitated with Professional Excellence Award in 2008 and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2014, Film Production Companies. But he never lost his dream. Working towards his dream, with an interest in the art of filmmaking and bringing it magically alive on the screen, Rahul set about founding his own production house. Thus, Golden Gate Productions was born in 2015. He is still a writer and in 2016 he launched his first book ‘TERA AKS’. Since then, there is no stopping for him and he is there to Create New Meaning of Entertainment for all, Best Detective in Delhi and India . His latest production Hindi Feature Film 'An Acid Attack Case' is ready for it's All India Release in Cinemas and this film has won eight International Film Festival Awards. In the BEST detective front, now he is on the way to the height of progress to achieve extraordinary things to surprise the World and the Honour for India. During this period, he has solved many cases independently, Personal and Corporate both for various Best famous International Detective Agencies. Still, as and when required, he, even after his perfect field team of agents, also goes personally for field investigations internationally, for premium clients from India and Abroad.g

His Interests: He practices pistol shooting regularly (he has been participating in tournaments and won the ‘Silver Medal’ for 25 meters at XXX Delhi State Shooting Championship in 2014) and writes Poems(ghazals). He likes reading, enjoys watching TV & movies; is fond of sports like Badminton & Boxing, and is a foodie like all Punjabis!

Things he values in life: family, hard work, education, morals, respect, laughter, forgiveness, compromise, and our Indian culture.

Things he detests: Lies, abuse, arguments, betrayal, short temper, insensitivity, and lack of respect for elders. He read a quote that ” 90% of happiness in life depends on your Life Partner “…. and believes it very much !! 

HOBBIES: Writing, Reading, Movies, Shopping, Traveling, Long Drives, and Teetotaler & No Smoker!

NATURE: Friendly, Polite, Helpful, Easygoing, Fun Loving, Straightforward!

His Golden Rule

  • Accept everyone as they are, with No expectations, No judgment,
  • Give blessings & love, and definitely you will receive the same!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nulla tortor, a imperdiet enim tristique nec. Nulla lobortis leo eget metus dapibus sodales. Sed placerat vitae dui vitae vehicula. Quisque in tincidunt ligula, nec dignissim arcu. Praesent aliquam velit vel libero dictum, non sollicitudin lectus mollis. Morbi sollicitudin auctor gravida. Vivamus vitae dui non lorem euismod pretium. Morbi congue sem sed ex iaculis, nec mattis felis pretium. Nullam molestie libero id odio blandit sodales. Suspendisse non mauris et felis molestie placerat aliquet a risus. Aliquam ac leo tempus, hendrerit eros mollis, gravida est. Proin euismod ipsum a tellus condimentum dapibus. Integer porttitor felis elit, eget rutrum ligula commodo quis. Praesent ultricies neque eu mi congue blandit. Nulla feugiat feugiat aliquet. Morbi sed mattis erat. Nullam scelerisque molestie eros, id tristique felis iaculis non. Duis pellentesque neque eget iaculis varius. Donec at nisl semper, aliquam est id, tincidunt lacus. Donec at erat purus. Morbi tincidunt nunc non diam porta, at fermentum orci bibendum. Donec arcu nisi, ornare nec commodo vitae, sollicitudin sed magna. Cras sit amet justo et nulla pulvinar laoreet. Phasellus scelerisque, metus id posuere vulputate, diam tellus iaculis sapien, eget scelerisque ipsum libero convallis velit. Duis lorem ligula, faucibus quis tellus nec, fringilla ultricies leo. Etiam tempus congue magna. Suspendisse porta dictum tortor, eu volutpat ipsum eleifend nec. Aliquam dapibus lorem luctus, cursus libero imperdiet, mattis nunc. Sed in ipsum diam. Quisque efficitur metus purus, vitae fermentum lacus venenatis id.


Skills & languages

As Detective

As Filmmaker


  • EnglishPunjabi
  • SpanishHindi
  • FrançaiseEnglish
FromSep 2015ToPresent

(5 years, 11 months)

Golden Gate Productions Pvt. Ltd.India

Best Writer, Director & Producer

To carry on the business of Film Sales, Marketing & Distribution. Short, Documentary & Feature Films & TV Serials Production in all languages, Music Video, Acting Classes, Modeling & Talent Management viz making of portfolios, casting, grooming, talent hunting and supply of artists & models to various production houses and Event Management. Editing, Voice Over, Sub-titling and Dubbing in any language. Proud member of Screen Writer Association & Western India Film Producers Association.


(22 years, 7 months)

Secret Watch Detectives Pvt. Ltd.India

CEO & Managing Director

Providing Detective Services for over two decade with proven track record & supported by a team of young & experienced professionals in India and abroad. He accepts the most challenging projects and solving them within dedicated timelines to the client's satisfaction.

FromSep 1990ToPresent

( 31 YEARS )



During his college days, he was a good writer and his many writings were published in local newspapers. In 2016 his first book was launched with the name 'Tera Aks'. He is still a writer and soon his another books will come in the market.

FromSep 1995ToPresent

( 26 YEARS )


Field In vestigator

During this period, he has solved many cases independently, Personal and Corporate both for various famous International Detective Agencies.

Still, as and when required, he, even after his perfect field team of agents, also goes personally for field investigations internationally, for premium clients from India and Abroad.




Memberships,&nbsp&nbsp&nbspCertificates&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp& &nbsp&nbsp&nbspAwards